There was a revolution in Kamchatka in April of 2016. Burton Russia crew, our friends, colleagues and just soulful guys with a great riding level and especial riding style, came to our Snow Valley mountain base. And not only Alexey Chizhov, who met Kamchatka last year, came. For the first time Yura Kolobov himself visited us! He picked up Joe Steinfelds, the man who built ski jumps for the Olimpic Games in Sochi, and also a couple of dashing guys and girls. So we got a dream-team! And we flew to the nearest volcanoes, hills and oceans. We pulled out of the pockets all our GoPro cameras and flying drones and began to jump down from incredible slopes… And so we got such a great movie. We are now watching it and planning next season in Kamchatka!